Monday 8 August 2011

A rap contest between me & my friends !

Fun things happening in my class today ! Wonder where did the idea come from my friend, they just started rapping Eminem's ''Not Afraid ''. One of my friend Wai Seng, he said he's addicted in rapping (I thought he was a rock&roll fan ! He loves rock music !) He just rap this song and ask me to join him, so at the end it happens most of the class are rapping too ! Ha! ha! That was interesting !  

Rapping ! 

Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday night !

Every Sunday night, is a time for me to take this time to figure it out what had I done the past one week. Am I participate with any good activities or focus on my study ! I didn't want to think that much at all but I still gotta write this post.

By the way, I started to smile always to get myself calm and not get mad easily. I'm a hot tempered guy actually I might did something mad if I'm out of my mind so I guess I gotta do something about it ! My mum get me some advice and I think I must gave it a try to calm myself down. Stay away from bad things and walk away if I'm mad !

I got no idea how to write this post ! Wish you guys have a nice sunday night and good night !