Tuesday 22 January 2013

I think I almost lose my passion on continue with latest update on my blog. Well, I had finished my form 5 studies just last month after my SPM. I decided to take my talent to study on communication. That's the decision I made on the morning just few days before my dad bring me to look for information of certain college.

There are basically many subjects and topics will be covered on communication like media communication, marketing communication, advertising, journalist, public relations and many more. I had still not decided which college should I study. Most are with high pay cost every year when I got to follow my dad to certain college, I finally found stress on myself.

Ever since after I had finished my studies on form 5, I started having a feeling that my families members are being in a nasty behaviour or I can said as speechless.I just don't know what to do, had nobody to talk to and they're always trying looking for arguement with me which I'm seriously tired of it. We're all witness... The only place that can actually make me feel comfortable and peace is only when the time on the court playing basketball.

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