Friday 14 October 2011

Greyson Chance - Waiting Outside The Lines

Blessed Friday ~~

Enjoyed one of my best Friday that I ever had ! Actually having exam started yesterday until next week end !
So not too much had to be write and so wish me good luck and all the best to the others including my friends and classmates or anyone who taking exam !

I just watched Steve Jobs's presentation of the first generation of Iphone having in 2007 January ! Seriously, is fantastic hearing his speech of presentation and remarkable presentation that I ever heard ! And listen to a brand new single ''Waiting outside the line '' performed by a young singer with the age of 14 this year named Greyson Chance in United States. He's famous of performing Lady Gaga's ''Paparazzi'' uploaded on YouTube. Nice voice he had, enjoyed listening to him singing ! Talented kid !

Thursday 6 October 2011

Apple - Introducing iPhone 4S

Steve Jobs memory ~~

Goodbye, Steve Jobs !

                                                             R.I.P ....Steve Jobs.
Is a big loss that a visionary founder of Apple Company and a the former CEO of Apple had leave us in the 5th of October. Apple announced his death when apple just coming out with their latest product Iphone4S. A visionary and full of creativity genius had leave us but his spirit will remains in our heart forever and ever. We'll miss u, Steve Jobs !
Iphone4S = iPhone for Steve as the last respect for the father of Apple !

Sunday 2 October 2011

Busy day !!

         Spending almost hold day to finish my account project . I finishd calculating the accounting parts this morning carry on spend an hour playing badminton and doing some sports with my younger brother,Brandon. I enjoyed an conversation with my neighbor,he told me about his children's studies in University and I found that most of his children chosen Science and Arts. He's proud of his children during the conversation between us, I can feel it from his talking. It was deeply impressed.

         I was wondering what about me? Motivated ? Ya,I guess so. I try to think repeatedly again and again about this question. Where will I be after Form 5? How would I settle down myself? I left this question down first, I continued my work on my account project after finished my lunch and taking a bath. Finally,after a few hours I get my work done !! (Proud of myself) And I continued the question I've been questioning myself from just now on wards.

         Well,maybe I don't get the final answer right now ! BUt, I guess I'll know soon ! And that's all for this weekend. Pretty boring,isn't it ? Ha!Ha! Anyway, goodnight guys !