Sunday 2 October 2011

Busy day !!

         Spending almost hold day to finish my account project . I finishd calculating the accounting parts this morning carry on spend an hour playing badminton and doing some sports with my younger brother,Brandon. I enjoyed an conversation with my neighbor,he told me about his children's studies in University and I found that most of his children chosen Science and Arts. He's proud of his children during the conversation between us, I can feel it from his talking. It was deeply impressed.

         I was wondering what about me? Motivated ? Ya,I guess so. I try to think repeatedly again and again about this question. Where will I be after Form 5? How would I settle down myself? I left this question down first, I continued my work on my account project after finished my lunch and taking a bath. Finally,after a few hours I get my work done !! (Proud of myself) And I continued the question I've been questioning myself from just now on wards.

         Well,maybe I don't get the final answer right now ! BUt, I guess I'll know soon ! And that's all for this weekend. Pretty boring,isn't it ? Ha!Ha! Anyway, goodnight guys ! 

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