Saturday 24 September 2011


This reminds me of one of Daughtry's song ''September''. My first blog post since after august. What had I been doing since this time...
Well, lot of stuff happening. It's quite difficult to finish it in one blog post. Basically, everything going on well and just more projects to be done given from school . Kinda mad..  ha!Ha!
I'm seriously addicted to Twitter, almost getting mad of writing tweets in twitter,I feel pretty satisfy of writing tweets. Feels cool enough to be able to write whatever I want some sort better than blog. I don't mean that blog sucks but it takes a longer time to finish writing a blog post and in twitter, u can easily finish writing in 140 words ! That sounds cool !
And emmm... , my friends and I were planning for a trip to Genting Highland for a 3 days 2 night trip as soon as our school exams end next month end ! Feeling excited ~~ look forward of having a great time with them ! I enjoyed mixing around with my friends more especially this month, I almost spends lots of time hanging around with them. Hope our friendship never ends !
Finally, this is the end of this month's activities and I think is time to back to work and try scoring colorful results this year examination. Good luck to u guys, and write soon !

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