Sunday 25 September 2011

Sunday night of 25th September

A weekend gone..... I still remember I watched ''Johnny English Reborn'' with my friends at Jusco last Friday ! 
It was extremely funny, I guess it's one of the best comedy film that I ever seen ! Rowen Artickson is still full of comedy cells to act well ! Great man !! 
I finished my school work this morning about reaching 10.55am ! I practice my violin for 1 hour and carry on using the desktop for half an hour. I spend the hold afternoon in my music class ! My teacher ask me for an extra   class last night for preparing for my year end examination for violin. I really look forward to play my best and aim for it ! 
I take some times to study economics and business after my music class ! To do some revision,need to spend more time on it by the following week. Three more weeks to go before my school year end examination. Even though, I'm not really have much interest in studying economics or business, accounting and so on so far... BUt, since I had transfer to the Art stream this match ''coincidentally''. I still gotta take some effort to study and try to learn something before I can get to college.
Well,this is all I get from this hold day and is monday tomorrow. Hope it make a good beginning of the next hold week. I'm truly expected what will happened this next hold week. Ha!Ha! Alright,I end my words here and I'll write more soon ! Goodnight, guys !!      

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