Friday 9 December 2011

El Clasico ~~

Tomorrow's match !! Real Madrid against FC Barcelona tomorrow night at Sentiago Bernabeau stadium. I'm Madrid supporter , wish them their very best to their home game against 'Barca' ! Jose Mourinho had guide them well, they had already taking their 15th straight win in all matches in LaLiga and Champions League. They had been their best every play in their group stage in Champion League,taking all straight win in all six matches. If they're able to take on 3 points against Barcelona tomorrow night they'll break their own records taking their 16th straight win in the league. That's all for today,no pressuring on them but to wish them good luck on tomorrow's match and Hala Madrid !!

Friday 14 October 2011

Greyson Chance - Waiting Outside The Lines

Blessed Friday ~~

Enjoyed one of my best Friday that I ever had ! Actually having exam started yesterday until next week end !
So not too much had to be write and so wish me good luck and all the best to the others including my friends and classmates or anyone who taking exam !

I just watched Steve Jobs's presentation of the first generation of Iphone having in 2007 January ! Seriously, is fantastic hearing his speech of presentation and remarkable presentation that I ever heard ! And listen to a brand new single ''Waiting outside the line '' performed by a young singer with the age of 14 this year named Greyson Chance in United States. He's famous of performing Lady Gaga's ''Paparazzi'' uploaded on YouTube. Nice voice he had, enjoyed listening to him singing ! Talented kid !

Thursday 6 October 2011

Apple - Introducing iPhone 4S

Steve Jobs memory ~~

Goodbye, Steve Jobs !

                                                             R.I.P ....Steve Jobs.
Is a big loss that a visionary founder of Apple Company and a the former CEO of Apple had leave us in the 5th of October. Apple announced his death when apple just coming out with their latest product Iphone4S. A visionary and full of creativity genius had leave us but his spirit will remains in our heart forever and ever. We'll miss u, Steve Jobs !
Iphone4S = iPhone for Steve as the last respect for the father of Apple !

Sunday 2 October 2011

Busy day !!

         Spending almost hold day to finish my account project . I finishd calculating the accounting parts this morning carry on spend an hour playing badminton and doing some sports with my younger brother,Brandon. I enjoyed an conversation with my neighbor,he told me about his children's studies in University and I found that most of his children chosen Science and Arts. He's proud of his children during the conversation between us, I can feel it from his talking. It was deeply impressed.

         I was wondering what about me? Motivated ? Ya,I guess so. I try to think repeatedly again and again about this question. Where will I be after Form 5? How would I settle down myself? I left this question down first, I continued my work on my account project after finished my lunch and taking a bath. Finally,after a few hours I get my work done !! (Proud of myself) And I continued the question I've been questioning myself from just now on wards.

         Well,maybe I don't get the final answer right now ! BUt, I guess I'll know soon ! And that's all for this weekend. Pretty boring,isn't it ? Ha!Ha! Anyway, goodnight guys ! 

Friday 30 September 2011

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain. Touching song !

Started missing this song. My childhood song.

Friday night !! Final day before October....

Feeling quite excited since today was the final day before October comes towards. Carry on with our final year examination,gotta get prepare anyway. Going for a Genting trip with my friends after finished exam in the 25th of October until 27th of October. Looking forward til that day comes ! I believe most of them (my friends) are excited too !! They were discussing about the schedule during the trip to Genting Highland these few days..
This week had given me all kinds of lesson, well what lesson? It seems to be a bit of sadness and mixing with some anger. Why? I found out some teachers are being very mischievous,sarcastic with me. Using all kinds of sarcastic attitude treated me! I respect them as teacher and I do nothing to them. I always being a good students passing up homework on time but this is what they repay never respect student as!! They're fuckin' ,asshole,bitches and they're just being pathetic!! I'm not gonna tolerate with this ! I'll fight 'til the end to prove what's right and they're gonna pay for this. Or they should sack them self off if they don't have the interest to teach ! Fuck off !!
Lets end this over! I'm not interested in telling bad memory this week. I get along with my friends well and handed my homework on time and still one account project work to be done and to be submit next week ! Racing with time now ! Gv me more time... I'm a bit sleepy right now, Gotta get to bed soon and so this is the end of the past one week. Enjoy every moment u have, and pray to God for blessing for a nice weekend and for safety and studies or social relationship with parents,families and friends! My mum told me.
Bye guys! Goodnight !

Sunday 25 September 2011

Sunday night of 25th September

A weekend gone..... I still remember I watched ''Johnny English Reborn'' with my friends at Jusco last Friday ! 
It was extremely funny, I guess it's one of the best comedy film that I ever seen ! Rowen Artickson is still full of comedy cells to act well ! Great man !! 
I finished my school work this morning about reaching 10.55am ! I practice my violin for 1 hour and carry on using the desktop for half an hour. I spend the hold afternoon in my music class ! My teacher ask me for an extra   class last night for preparing for my year end examination for violin. I really look forward to play my best and aim for it ! 
I take some times to study economics and business after my music class ! To do some revision,need to spend more time on it by the following week. Three more weeks to go before my school year end examination. Even though, I'm not really have much interest in studying economics or business, accounting and so on so far... BUt, since I had transfer to the Art stream this match ''coincidentally''. I still gotta take some effort to study and try to learn something before I can get to college.
Well,this is all I get from this hold day and is monday tomorrow. Hope it make a good beginning of the next hold week. I'm truly expected what will happened this next hold week. Ha!Ha! Alright,I end my words here and I'll write more soon ! Goodnight, guys !!      

Saturday 24 September 2011


This reminds me of one of Daughtry's song ''September''. My first blog post since after august. What had I been doing since this time...
Well, lot of stuff happening. It's quite difficult to finish it in one blog post. Basically, everything going on well and just more projects to be done given from school . Kinda mad..  ha!Ha!
I'm seriously addicted to Twitter, almost getting mad of writing tweets in twitter,I feel pretty satisfy of writing tweets. Feels cool enough to be able to write whatever I want some sort better than blog. I don't mean that blog sucks but it takes a longer time to finish writing a blog post and in twitter, u can easily finish writing in 140 words ! That sounds cool !
And emmm... , my friends and I were planning for a trip to Genting Highland for a 3 days 2 night trip as soon as our school exams end next month end ! Feeling excited ~~ look forward of having a great time with them ! I enjoyed mixing around with my friends more especially this month, I almost spends lots of time hanging around with them. Hope our friendship never ends !
Finally, this is the end of this month's activities and I think is time to back to work and try scoring colorful results this year examination. Good luck to u guys, and write soon !

Monday 8 August 2011

A rap contest between me & my friends !

Fun things happening in my class today ! Wonder where did the idea come from my friend, they just started rapping Eminem's ''Not Afraid ''. One of my friend Wai Seng, he said he's addicted in rapping (I thought he was a rock&roll fan ! He loves rock music !) He just rap this song and ask me to join him, so at the end it happens most of the class are rapping too ! Ha! ha! That was interesting !  

Rapping ! 

Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday night !

Every Sunday night, is a time for me to take this time to figure it out what had I done the past one week. Am I participate with any good activities or focus on my study ! I didn't want to think that much at all but I still gotta write this post.

By the way, I started to smile always to get myself calm and not get mad easily. I'm a hot tempered guy actually I might did something mad if I'm out of my mind so I guess I gotta do something about it ! My mum get me some advice and I think I must gave it a try to calm myself down. Stay away from bad things and walk away if I'm mad !

I got no idea how to write this post ! Wish you guys have a nice sunday night and good night !

Sunday 31 July 2011

Sorry, I forgotten ..

I had almost forgotten there's a blog still existing and I guess waiting for me to continue writing more post to let it remain for a reason.. Ha!Ha! It's been a long time not writing anything in my blog,feel kinda apologize to this website which I created. I'll post more soon if I'm given enough time,inspiration to write more interesting things around me.

I play Twitter oftentimes since this long time,I'm truthly a twitter addict now ! Ha!Ha! But,I will not stop writing my blog ! I'll stop my words here and I'll write more.... Goodnight guys !

Your Sincerely : Bryan

Saturday 18 June 2011

Forgiveness ~ ~ ~

Do we know that betrayal, hate,anger,vengeance,lie,kill,steal,destroy all have in common?
It can all be taken by a simple act of forgiveness.....

I always try to hide my feelings and not showing easily to anyone of my emotion. I guess one of my characteristics might be emotional. My emotion always going on like wind,I'll be joy in this second and get mad or hot tempered in the next second. I wonder how can I found a solution to cure it.
But, I finally found a way of letting out my anger,sadness or anything as long as I feel comfortable after doing that by screaming,singing,sports,smashing things,telling my close friend. I actually found peace let it out. I never knew the power of forgiveness were so strong enough to change a person and make life better.
What a miracle,I believe tomorrow will be a better tomorrow enjoy every second as you live and forgiveness,the most important point will get you to another brand new life.

Back to school

Going back to school and is the time that my summer holiday had come to an end. Lots of uncomfortable feeling that need to be "arrange" and I'm sure most of us will feel that too. There will be plenty of works waiting for us to be done in school and giving out result is one of the assignment will definitely be going on.

This week is plenty of work for me and almost getting mad..... Ha ha! But, is great to be back to school to meet my friends and chit chat and learn new lesson. Learn hard,play hard! One of my favorite sentences this month. Bye guys, I'll post more soon!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

X-men : First Class !

One of the best fim this summer ! Just watched it last week, it was tremendously awesome and I look forward to watch the next other hot films this summer !

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Enoying a nice weekend !

Spending a nice weekend with my families watching ''KungFu Panda 2'' & ''Pirates of the Carribean: On Strangers Tides''! Both are great and tremendously fantastic films but I prefer I like Pirates more!! ^^ Ha! Ha! It attracted me more and because of Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp,the sexiest guy voted by a magazine and most girls are attracted by him! Me too as well !

Different from the previous 3 chapters of the film series,this chapter are basically mention of Jack Sparrow going searching for the fountain of View.In order to search for this legendary foutain,he meet his X-lover Angerlica and her adopted fathe,BlackBeard.One of the most evil pirate among the Pirates. Captain Barbossa, Jack's enemy and close friend as well were back for this film. In this film,he join the england royal sailor and he's incharge of searching for the Fountain as well.

There're mermaids in this film to protect the fountain from stopping humans of searching.They're attractive and enchanting to most guys but they're evil they sings well to attract guys and pull them down to the bottom of sea and eat them off. I was quite freaking with this..... I'm a bit of terrified with mermaids right now. A lot of supprise and wonderful soundtrack in this film and I really enjoyed watching it.I would like to watch it again if I'll. Pirates are the best !!!!!!!!!

Another new beginning

Hey guys, this is my new blog continued by my previous blog, "" and if you guys are wondering why am I create a new blog..... I had no idea what's going on to my previous blog and I guess it might get hacked by someone nasty.

I had no choice and no any words to describe how I feel right now but this can be taken as a experience and don't be down, everything is gonna be alright ! So,nice to meet you guys I look forward to see your comments of my blogpost and hope you guys enjoy my blog post, I don't mind if you guys giving bad comments about my blog post and I'm willing to accept any comments given by you guys to get improve of my writing skills !

This is it ! This is my first blogpost and I'll be posting more soon! Thank u !